Cardboard car ramp
There is nothing original, clever or artistic about a large bit of plain cardboard rested up against something (in this case: taped to the window ledge, with a small chair underneath to give the ramp some 'lift' at the base). However, it is one of those super cheap, super easy 'MUST DO' kid activities! Nothing fancy is required to create a genuine "WOW" factor - and that is why I love it. So, why did Mr 2 1/2 love it?

Maybe because one second it was just him and his ever growing bunch of cars on the window ledge 'road', and the next- there it was: a super sized indoor ramp (which of course could just as easily be set up outdoors); or maybe because it was so much fun to see which cars would race down fastest and knock down our little towers and walls on the floor...

B had loads of fun playing independently, but also enjoyed involving me in the games - telling me which side of the ramp to sit and handing me particular cars to shoot down alongside his vehicle of choice. He loved taking his time and care in lining up all the cars at the top of the ramp before each run, and then building the little towers of blocks on the floor to be crashed down over and over!
And then, it would seem that after all the excitement, a bit of a chill out in a cubby nook created under the ramp was in order!

And the whole session left a big smile on both our faces:-)

So until next time, thanks for stopping by Kids' Play Space!
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Happy playing!
Anna :-)
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