Spring cleaning - toddler style

So I decided to spare you the fabulous close-up photo I took with all the grotesque details, clear as day, of our bath tub suction pieces which somehow got neglected on the cleaning front and were crying and screaming out for some Spring cleaning love! Check out all the photos and details below to see how we turned this into a super toddler sensory, water play opportunity!
Master B (2 1/2 years old) was enjoying having a day (finally) with mama all to himself at home, and was literally wanting to do everything with me. To clarify, I don't mean playing some activity alongside wherever I happened to be or even in the same room; I mean actually wanting to 'vacuum' with his cardboard roll vacuum the exact bit of dust I am aiming for with the real vacuum - at the exact same time. I mean trying to avoid 'tug-o-wars' with each other with saucepans at the stove cooker; being pushed out of the way so that Mr Independent can take over the dish washing; and all our four hands, a chair to climb up onto, and careful directing of the spray bottle to remove stains from clothes! I love his enthusiasm and hope this desire to help out lasts a LONG time!!!
It took about 3 minutes to grab the icky bath suction pieces and a few cleaning items outdoors to set them up for a little sensory, water play activity that actually created cleanliness rather than mess! Win!!

Materials used:
- plastic container from the recycling tub
- pouring jug & a bucket of water (to fill the little container with water)
- about 1/3 cup white vinegar
- about 1/3 cup bicarbonate of soda
- an unused/old/ cheap toothbrush for cleaning
- 1/2 a lemon (or orange) ... or more...
We both loved seeing the water bubble and fizz when the bicarb soda was added!

We let them soak a bit, and B had fun making trips to the bucket of water to fill his little pouring jug.
Scrubbing the dirt off took practise and patience, but I was impressed with his attention and perseverance! ...hmmm... left hander today...
What a great sensory tool a toothbrush is!

Squeezing the lemon was a great challenge for the little one's hand muscles, smelt gorgeous and fresh, and was an easy, fun addition for B to mix in and around the bath pieces.

He also liked using the half lemon itself to scrub clean the suction bits... which was just fine by me:-)

I'm pretty sure we could have filled the container a few times over - judging by the 'puddle' of water that B was delighted to create on the concrete and jump in (of course!)

After a final journey on the tipper truck, we were all done! ... "Ahhhhhh" - lovely:-)

Do your kids love cleaning and helping out too?
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Thanks for visiting Kids' Play Space!
'til soon,
Anna :-)
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